Segment Synopsis: Mrs. St. John talks about her pioneering work in the women's history field by helping create criteria for American history courses, as well as being the first woman to teach a course on Soviet and Russian history.
Keywords: American; Assistantship; Curriculum; History; Pioneer; Russian; Soviet; Syracuse
Segment Synopsis: Mrs. St John discusses forming the first ever history of Women class in the United States, but also the unfortunate incidents that took place thereafter that prevented her form teaching it.
Keywords: Activism; Blood clot; Course; History of Women; National Organization; Omaha; Women
Segment Synopsis: Jaqueline became the second ever chair of the Chancellor's Commission on the Status on Women and used her authority to help settle a want ad dispute that was in violation of the Civil Rights Act, which she is openly very proud of.
Keywords: Civil Rights Act; Commission on the Status of Women; Feminism; Newspaper; Want Ads
Partial Transcript: Mrs. St. John has openly embraced labor unions in the past, having ties with the American Association of University Professors, American Federation of Teachers, Coalition of Labor Union Women, and the Central Slavic Association. She has also been a keynote speaker for several feminism events, and even worked with the military with her expertise in Russian studies.
Keywords: American Association of University Professors; American Federation of Teachers; Central Slavic Association; Coalition of Labor Union Women; Federally Employed Women; Israel; Labor Unions; Omaha; Russia; University of Nebraska; University of Nebraska at Omaha
Segment Synopsis: Jaqueline St. John discusses national conferences she has attended, including events taking place in the national archives, and the international Women's History Conference, where she was invited to speak and was also able to meet a handful of first ladies.
Keywords: Coyote Convention; International Womens History Conference; National Archives; National Conferences; Oral Historian; University of Nebraska at Omaha
Segment Synopsis: The state of New York once awarded Jaqueline St. John the Pioneer Feminist Honor award for her work in the Women's study field. She's also been the recipient of a number of awards presented to her from the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Keywords: Honorary; Pioneer Feminist Honor; University of Nebraska at Omaha; Womens Studies
Segment Synopsis: Jaqueline St. John details some examples of workplace discrimination she has dealt with in the pass, such as being handed typing tests and other performance related papers while her male counterparts did not have to, and even being denied her teaching a course on the system she pioneered because of these stigmas.
Keywords: Advanced Placement Program; Amendments; Barack Obama; Betsy Devos; Courses; Discrimination; Feminism; Outstanding Teaching Award; Typing Test
Segment Synopsis: Mrs. St. John pins her feminist views on her mother, who she describes as the strongest woman out there. She also talks about her sister, her experience in college, and the scholarships they achieved.
Keywords: College; Father; Ireland; Mother; New York; Parents; Scholarships; Sister
Segment Synopsis: When Jaqueline St. John started teaching, her male students, who were very conservative, vilified her. Other male students who had never even enrolled on one of her classes also hated her, spreading gossip about her in local bars.
Keywords: Conservative; Men; Student; Teacher; Womens Studies
Segment Synopsis: St. John describes an incident while in Norway when an English speaking woman asked her, "how can you bare all those blacks." This shook Mrs. St. John, which was confused how they can be so progressive towards women's rights but can be so racist.
Keywords: American; Delegate; Equality; Feminism; Immigration; Racism