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Omaha Folklore Project: Interview with George Kielak

UNO Libraries - Oral History Projects


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00:00:00 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AF: February 19th,
the oral history project of Andrew S. Fiddler, and interviewing Mr. George Kielak. Mr. Kielak, I'd like to begin
with some background information.
Um, when is your birthdate?

Segment Synopsis: GK shares about his family background and his early schooling in Poland, during the occupation and before WWII broke out.

Keywords: Poland WW2; WW2; WWII; Warsaw; World War II; World War Two

00:04:43 - The Lead up to WWII

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AF: Uh, how did you view the coming of the war? Did the uh ... did the people that you knew, or did you yourself anticipate the coming of the war?

Segment Synopsis: GK shares his perspectives at the beginning of WWII, starting with the occupation of Poland.

Keywords: German Occupation of Poland; Poland; Poland WW2; WW2; WWII; World War 2; World War II; World War Two

00:08:43 - Education in Underground School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AF: Uh, then during the war, you spent most of your time
in school, in the underground?

GK: Yeah, most of the time.
Then later, after we came from the country ...I think it was maybe October or November ...of 1939 ... then I start ... attending the rest of my grade school in Warsaw.

Segment Synopsis: GK shares about his experiences of studying in an underground school during the German occupation of Poland and the onset of WWII.

Keywords: Education; Education World War 2; Poland; Poland WW2; Polish Education; Underground Education; WW2; WWII; World War 2; World War II; World War Two

00:14:06 - Joining the Underground

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AF: You say you left Warsaw in 1944?

GK: 1944.

AF: And why did you leave then?

GK: Oh I was taken prisoner of war...

Segment Synopsis: GK shares about his involvement in Armia Krajowa (Polish for "Home Army"), Poland's most dominant resistance movement under Nazi occupation. He shares an anecdote about how, while in grade school, he was nearly caught by the Nazi forces while transporting grenades.

00:22:25 - Activity During the Uprising

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AF: And uh, what were your experiences during the uprising?

GK: During the uprising, I was eh ...
messenger. And then I was a helper with the machine gun, and we were fighting in the old market, the old, old, old part of the city...

Segment Synopsis: GK shares how he played a part during the uprising. He shares about the expectations for their Russian ally to provide aid in efforts against Germany, but lack thereof, during this time.

Keywords: Boy Scouts; Boy Scouts World War 2; Education WW2; German Occupation of Poland; Poland WW2; Polish Uprising; WW2; WWII; World War 2; World War II; World War Two

00:31:21 - Need for Support

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AF: Did you find any problems in getting messages from London?
You mentioned the Army of Krajowa was going through the government in London.

GK: Ah, you know, our radio communication with London I think was pretty good. We were getting messages, to my knowledge ...

Segment Synopsis: GK shares Poland's need for assistance. He explains the lack of support and then late parachute drops that occurred. He discusses the medical staff and an incident where a German tank was set as a trap for Polish resistance troops.

Keywords: Allied Parachute Drops; Allied Support; Army Krajowa; Poland; Poland WW2; World War 2; World War II; World War Two

00:37:04 - Surrender and Prison Camps in Germany

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GK: But then at the end of uprising,
we surrender to Germans.

AF: Oh, I see.

GK: And we were taken out,
to prison camp in Germany.
And then I found myself in POW camp in Germany.

Segment Synopsis: GK shares about how the uprising was stopped. He describes his experiences as a prisoner of war in camps in Germany.

Keywords: German Prison Camps; Poland; Poland WW2; Prisoner of War; Prisoner of War Camps; World War 2; World War II; World War Two

00:46:28 - Allied Victory/Life in Prisoner of War Camp

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AF: Um, how did you view the Allied victory? Did you ...

GK: Oh, we were eh ... knowing that this is through us. That eh ... time, with the Allied, we would win, and eh ... we never had any doubts, right from the beginning of the war, even, that the Allied would lose, or eh ...

Segment Synopsis: GK shares how the Allied Victory came about and how it affected his personal case. He also describes his experiences living in a Prisoner of War camp.

00:56:31 - Post WWII Poland

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AF: What immediate results did you expect from uh ... did you expect to see Poland restored to freedom? Uh ... a free Poland?

Segment Synopsis: GK shares the details of what occurred at the end of WWII, regarding the switch from German to Soviet Russian occupation. He discusses the Katyn Massacre and and his views on any Polish who collaborated with Germany.

Keywords: Poland; Poland Liberation; Post WWII; Post WWII Poland; Soviet Occupation; Soviet Occupation Poland; Soviet Union; World War 2; World War II; World War Two

01:07:12 - Life after WWII: Outside of Poland

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AF: Um, what happened then, right after the liberation of Poland? The uh ... you were liberated?

GK: Yeah, I was.

AF: Did you go back to Warsaw then?

GK: Nope, no, I did not go back to Warsaw. I did not go back to Poland because of Russians.

Segment Synopsis: GK shares about his life following WWII as he served in the British army and chose not to return to Poland, due to the Russian occupation. He then shares how he immigrated to the U.S. and his experiences as an individual of Polish descent.

Keywords: Poland; Polish Army; Soviet Occupation Poland; Soviet Union; U.S. Immigration; WW2; WWII; World War 2; World War II; World War Two

01:19:47 - Potential for Polish Independence

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GK: So eh ... you know, if you get kick
from an enemy, in your rear end, alright ...

AF: You expect it.

GK: You deserved it! But if you get a kick from you friend in your rear end,
it hurts very much.

Segment Synopsis: GK shares about current circumstances and his belief that Poland will regain its independence.

Keywords: Poland; Polish Independence; Polish Sovereignty; WW2; WWII; World War 2; World War II; World War Two